SQ Zone News
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SQ Zone News

Presented here are news items of relevance to the SQ Zone community. Tap the "<< Back to Overview" link at the bottom of the page to see previous items.

U13 Boys' Coulter Shield - STILL ON !

Posted by Administrator on 18/05/2022

17/05/2022, 21:55

Good Evening,

At this stage the carnival will go ahead on Sunday. 
Our facility has sustained minimal damage and our groundsmen and volunteers have been working hard. The turf has been cleaned, with no debris to remove as the levee banks weren't breached. The grass fields have dried considerably thanks to better weather and sunshine, and have already been mowed by groundsmen ready to be line marked again. There is no water or mud thanks to the top care and condition of grass fields pre flood.
The only amendment to the draw is there will be no Grass Field 3 available for alternative use.
By the end of the week I will give an update on parking as a few areas usually used for carnival parking are still quite muddy.
There's no big rain forecast for the rest of the week, but I will make contact asap if anything changes.
Angela Groves 
Warwick Hockey Association
18/05/2022 NOTE: The Draw will be added to this Website tonight!

Last changed: 18/05/2022 at 9:56 AM

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Next Zone Meeting

Scheduled for 10am, 27 October 2024, via Zoom.
Affiliated Centres will receive further details via email.

I will endeavour to post items of relevance to the SQ Zone on this page. How often and what sort of content is published here will depend upon the receipt of relevant items and information from SQ Zone Associations and Officials. Kim

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